the books of Major Proohets

The Major Prophets

The Major Prophets are a collection of four books in the Old Testament of the Bible that are considered the most significant and influential prophetic writings in the Hebrew Scriptures. These books are Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel and Daniel.

The Major Prophets are named as such because of their length and scope, as well as the significance of their message. They are characterized by their vivid and powerful language, their deep insights into the nature of God and humanity, and their unwavering commitment to the prophetic call.


Encounter the powerful prophecies and messages of hope in the Book of Isaiah. This prophetic book addresses Israel's rebellion, foretells the coming of the Messiah, and offers comfort, redemption, and the promise of restoration.

the book of jeremiah


Experience the prophetic ministry of Jeremiah, the weeping prophet, in the Book of Jeremiah. This book warns of impending judgment, calls for repentance, and reveals God's enduring love and faithfulness even in the midst of chaos.

the book of lamentations


Mourn with the author of Lamentations as he grieves the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile of God's people. This poetic book expresses deep sorrow and laments, yet also conveys a message of hope and trust in God's compassion.

the book of ezekiel


Enter the visionary world of Ezekiel, a prophet called to proclaim God's judgment and restoration. The Book of Ezekiel unveils powerful imagery, symbolic acts, and divine revelations, emphasizing the need for repentance and the promise of future restoration.


Unveil the captivating visions, prophecies, and stories of Daniel and his companions in the Book of Daniel. This book showcases their unwavering faith in the midst of persecution and reveals God's sovereignty over empires and the ultimate triumph of His kingdom.

Overall, the Major Prophets are a powerful and inspiring collection of works that speak to the deepest questions and concerns of the human heart. They offer messages of hope and redemption in the face of suffering and despair, and continue to be an important source of spiritual and cultural inspiration today.